
  A Wonderful Story for Children and AdultsIt is said that a lion once found a herd of three bulls: one black, one red, and one white. The lion wanted to attack them, but they defended themselves together and drove him away from their territory.The lion went away and thought of a way to hunt these bulls, especially since they were stronger together. So, he decided to approach the black and red bulls and said to them, "I have no quarrel with you; you are my friends. I only want to eat the white bull so I don't die of hunger. You know I can defeat you, but I don't want you; I only want him."The black and red bulls thought for a long time; doubt crept into their hearts, and they preferred comfort and avoiding a fight. So, they said, "The lion is right, we will let him eat the white bull."The two bulls conveyed their decision to the lion and told him he could attack the white bull now. The lion, being the king of the jungle, quickly preyed on the white bull and spent nights full and happy with his catch.Days passed, and the lion grew hungry again. Remembering the taste of the bull's meat and its satisfying nature, he returned and tried to attack the remaining bulls. They fended him off together and prevented him from hunting one of them, even beating him painfully. The lion returned to his territory, sore and defeated.The lion decided to use the old trick again. He called the black bull and said, "Why did you attack me when I only intended to eat the red bull?"The black bull replied, "You said the same when you ate the white bull."The lion responded, "Woe to you! You know my strength and that I can defeat you both together, but I didn't want to tell him I didn't like him to avoid opposition."The black bull thought for a while and agreed out of fear and his desire for comfort.The next day, the lion hunted the red bull and enjoyed new, delightful nights while being full.Days passed, and the lion grew hungry again. This time, he directly attacked the black bull, and as he was about to kill him, the black bull cried out, "I was eaten the day the white bull was eaten."The lion was puzzled and lifted his paw off him, saying, "Why didn't you say the red bull? When I ate him, you were left alone, not when I ate the white bull!"The black bull replied, "Because from that moment, I abandoned the principle that protects us together. Whoever gives up once will give up every time. When I agreed to let you eat the white bull, I gave you permission to eat me."Unfortunately, Many of us live by the principle of "me first, then the flood," seeking only their own safety and forgetting that the flood spares no one. Live by your principles and reject harm to others as long as you can prevent it.

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