
Once, a lion encountered a herd of three bulls: black, red, and white. Determined to hunt them, the lion found them united and strong, so he devised a cunning plan. He approached the red and black bulls, claiming he had no quarrel with them and only sought to eat the white bull to stave off hunger. Using persuasion, he convinced them to allow him to prey on the white bull alone, citing his ability to defeat them all if necessary.

Reluctantly, the black and red bulls agreed, believing it was in their best interest to avoid conflict and preserve their own safety. The lion swiftly hunted down the white bull, enjoying many nights of satisfaction.

However, hunger returned to the lion, prompting him to try the same tactic again. This time, he approached the black bull, asking why it had resisted him when his intention was solely on the red bull. The black bull, recalling the lion's previous manipulation, hesitated but eventually yielded out of fear and a desire for peace.

The following day, the lion captured the red bull, relishing another period of contentment. As time passed, hunger struck once more, and the lion decided to directly attack the black bull. In a moment of desperation, the black bull cried out, reminding the lion of the agreement made when the white bull was taken.

Confused, the lion paused, questioning why the black bull hadn't spoken up when the red bull was taken. The black bull explained that by conceding once, it had set a precedent that endangered them all, illustrating the consequence of prioritizing personal safety over collective strength.

The story serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of unity and standing firm in principles, as yielding once can lead to repeated exploitation. It urges individuals to prioritize communal welfare over individual safety, as mutual defense is often the strongest protection against adversity.

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