Poor son


A poor boy saw a wealthy man drop his wallet on the ground. He picked it up, looked through it, and found a lot of money, a business card, and some credit cards.The poor boy chased after the wealthy man, calling out to him to return the wallet. He ran as fast as he could and finally caught up to him. He tapped the man on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, sir, you dropped your wallet. I almost got hit by a speeding car while I was running after you!"The wealthy man took his wallet from the boy and gave him a firm handshake. Then, reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to the boy before walking away without a word.Just then, a young lady who had seen what happened quickly approached the poor boy and asked, "Tell me, what did that man give you as a reward?"The poor boy replied, "Nothing. Just a handshake and a piece of paper."The lady blurted out, "What, just that? A handshake and a stupid piece of paper? After all you did for him? Goodness! He is very stingy and heartless! You almost got hit by a car because of him! He could have at least given you some money for returning his wallet!"The poor boy was silent for a moment, then asked, "What should I do now?"The lady snapped, "Run after him, hurry up! When you catch up to him, squeeze the piece of paper and throw it at his face. Then hurl insults at him and run away. It will serve him right; he'll feel embarrassed and bad about himself!"The poor boy nodded in agreement and quickly chased after the wealthy man. He soon caught up to him and called out. When the man turned, the boy crumpled the paper and threw it at him, saying, "You are a stingy man! I helped you, but you gave me only a piece of paper! You are heartless! I regret ever returning your wallet! Go away!"Upon saying that, the poor boy ran away without looking back. The wealthy man was very surprised and speechless. He picked up the paper, shook his head, and said to himself, "If only he knew that this paper is a cheque for 500 dollars." He sighed, turned, and walked away.Along our journeys, opportunities are abundant in our lives, presenting themselves in various forms and promising growth, success, and fulfillment. However, despite the number of opportunities that are presented to us, many people miss out on seizing them simply because they don't truly see what is right in front of them. When you are too impatient and let others deceive and mislead you, you may make impulsive and foolish decisions you regret later. Remember, sometimes the most significant rewards come to those who don't rush into making wrong decisions and are willing to practice patience.

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